Tuesday 3 May 2011

Sunday 1 May 2011

Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progession from it to the full production ?

I feel i have learnt a lot when looking back on my preliminary task and comparing it with my opening sequence. For me the quality difference is visible in every shot from the cinematography to the mise en scene.

Originally in our preliminary task we shot dialogue however when looking back i felt it was unnessary and wasted time in the story because of this i did not place any dialogue in my thriller's opening sequence.

A big improvement i would say is the cinematography and continuity editing used. In my preliminary task there was limited variety in our shot types making it very basic and plain however when evalutating the task i noticed this and tried to use a variety of good and interesting shots for my thriller which i feel i have done another imporvement for the cinematography is how steady the shot is, in the prelim we often shot without a tripod and this is clearly shown through the wobbles in our shots this was a big but easy issue to address since it just meant placing our camera on a tripod for shooting and giving our film a better sense of realism also when looking back to our match on action it takes to long for the character to walk through the door after already pulling the handle on the other side i would say this was poor continuity editing from me and my group however this lesson was learnt and remembered for my full production.

In terms of planning this prelim helped loads for this we tried to run through the planning as quickly as possible and get out filming however as you can see it led to mistakes and a poor film so when it came to the pre-production of our opening sequence i made sure that everything was focused on to avoid the problems we had during the preliminary task.

Unforunately we wasn't given much time on our preliminary leading to a poor selection of locations and props however this was not the case for our full production where i would say the locations our one of our strongest points giving it a feel of realism to the audience.

Others who have commented on our project see we have come on leaps and bounds from this task and like what we have done for our full production.

Thursday 28 April 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your product ?-Luke media coursework

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Rough edit

This is a rough edit of our film

Law abidding citizenship thriller trailer

This trailer uses a number of editing techiniques to create meaning for the audience and persuade them to go and see the actually film for instance the trailer uses alot of fades to build excitement and show that time has passed in the film so we get a better understanding of the film and it draws us(the audience) in more another editing technique used was the non-diegetic sound added to the film for the explosions and soundtrack used in the background by adding sound to the explosion it emprahies how loud it is and shows importance to it. Also throughout the trailer, fast pace editing is used by having short takes of the best scenes, this connotes an action packed film which excites the audience